Safety & Quality
Certifications for Highest Standards
The quality of our services, flight safety, and the well-being of our patients, customers, and employees in the air and on the ground have the highest priority at NHC Northern Helicopter

The quality of our services, flight safety, and the well-being of our patients, customers, and employees in the air and on the ground have the highest priority at NHC Northern Helicopter
We are aware of our great responsibility and that of our clients. That is why we subject our actions and those of our service providers to a continuous improvement process and have them audited on an ongoing basis – by our customers and by independent certification companies.
Highly trained personnel, state-of-the-art technical equipment and the safety awareness of every single person in our company embody NHC Northern Helicopter’s guarantee for safe operation and the highest quality standards.
In all Northern Helicopter activities safety is our first priority. The Management is committed to developing, implementing, maintaining and continuously improving the management system and associated processes to ensure that all our activities (aviation and non-aviation) take place under an appropriate allocation of organizational resources. It is aimed at achieving a high level of safety performance and meet national and international regulatory requirements and standards, while delivering our services.
Northern Helicopter GmbH is a registered stakeholder in the lobby register of the German Bundestag under the registration number R003762. Entry in the Lobby register
NHC Northern Helicopter is member of the