Safety & Quality

Certifications for Highest Standards

The quality of our services, flight safety, and the well-being of our patients, customers, and employees in the air and on the ground have the highest priority at NHC Northern Helicopter

Our People in Service for <svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="96.247" height="27.758"><path fill="#E1001A" d="M27.584 1.444H3.765c0 1.81 2.604 3.278 5.816 3.278h17.426l.577-3.278zM19.825 14.905c-3.214 0-5.817-1.468-5.817-3.278h11.786l-.571 3.278h-5.398zM26.691 6.527H8.872c0 1.81 2.604 3.279 5.817 3.279h11.426l.576-3.279zM85.006 6.382c-.726-.444-1.93-1.267-4.341-1.267-3.536 0-6.413 2.818-7.202 7.282-.758 4.306 1.397 7.217 4.741 7.217 2.572 0 4.25-.95 4.804-1.17l-.623 4.623c-.95.284-2.904.791-5.765.791-6.14 0-9.651-4.527-8.416-11.523C69.633 4.229 75.732 1 80.298 1c3.343 0 4.919.729 5.725 1.076l-1.017 4.306zM51.958 23.371l1.655-9.059h6.917l-1.681 9.059h4.474l3.951-21.927h-4.475l-1.596 8.739h-6.89l1.597-8.739h-4.539L47.42 23.371zM33.484 5.684l3.238 17.673h7.269l3.884-21.914h-4.354l-3.169 18.031-3.643-18.031h-6.9l-3.85 21.914h4.514z"/></svg>

Our People in Service for

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